To observe the children the opportunity to grow the life of a much smaller scale is a very important component for growth. If you have small children and want them to be able, through the cultivation of life, seeing them grow, watching them die, and to understand the understanding of the life cycle, then you should give them a garden. Garden is safe and fun for all ages. Does not require much work or dangerous devices as a chainsaw. A garden is something a little 'less tangibleas a pet has a shorter life cycle, and children from the beginning that all things die and are restored to understand.
Bring the kids to the scene of a garden
While some parents want to protect their children from reality as long as possible, this is a bad idea, because the fact that they provide the ultimate reality. Give your children a window on real life, giving them what happens to a plant, in the course of a seasonImportant. Let them know you watch the plant grow and thrive and then wither and die, will help them to understand life and death.
While some parents might think that this latest is not something they want their children has no idea when they play video games or cruising the Internet or even in a movie of the week or a season finale episode for a sitcom to restart death is all around us. If you're with them, struggling earlier in life when they have a potentialdifficult to deal with it later, if you give them, we understand that human beings, animals and plants are all part of life and death cycle show, then you know it's everywhere. This can be achieved easily with a garden.
Title plants makes significant
One of the easiest ways to give meaning to your garden, your child is to name plants. If they name, as the children begin, figures of this form and maybe too much talkas their stuffed animals. Then, when the system finally in place, this is the perfect opportunity for you, the entire life cycle to introduce very young age. Make sure you understand this is one of the most important things of life and a family.
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